Server files JS
Server files JS
/js/cms-form.js - object for forms
/js/cms-main.js - object with functions for working with the main CMS window
/js/cms-template-filemanager.js - object with functions for working with file editor
/js/cms-util.js - object with useful features
/js/client-login/cusel-min-2.5.js - clearance of the drop down list
/js/client-login/jquery.cookie.js - plugin for convenient work with cookies
/js/client-login/main.js - processing the login form
/js/client-login/prettyCheckboxes.js - function for registration of checkboxes
/js/container/chosen.jquery.min.js - clearance dropdowns
/js/container/codemirror.js - CodeMirror
/js/container/container.js - sharing window on several separate units, global functions
/js/container/fileuploader.js - ajax file upload
/js/container/jquery.blockUI.js - plugin for modal information blocks
/js/container/jquery.form.js - ajax processing and shipping forms
/js/container/jquery.Jcrop.min.js - plugin for cutting pictures
/js/container/jquery.noty.js - plugin popup
/js/container/jquery.numeric.js - validation text field on the corresponding number
/js/container/jquery.qtip.min.js - tooltips for icons
/js/container/jquery-tinymce.js - jQuery plugin for tinyMCE
/js/container/jquery-ui-1.8.15.custom.min.js - jQuery UI
/js/container/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js - datapiker with timing
/js/container/prettyCheckboxes.js - function for checkbox registration
/js/container/templatedata.js - event for the opening of the window with the data interefesa, file manager
/js/download-cms/jquery.min.js - jQuery
/js/download-cms/jquery.noty.js - plugin popup
/js/download-cms/main.js - processing forms
/js/frontend/chosen.jquery.js - clearance dropdowns
/js/frontend/cusel-min-2.5.js - clearance dropdowns
/js/frontend/frontend.js - initialization on frontend buttons work with a template
/js/frontend/global.js - initializing tinyMCE
/js/frontend/jquery.form.js - ajax processing and shipping forms
/js/frontend/jquery-ui-1.8.15.custom.min.js - jQuery UI
/js/frontend/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js - datapiker with time
/js/frontend/prettyCheckboxes.js - function for registration of checkboxes
/js/frontend/select.js - stylization dropdown
/js/libs/autoresize.jquery.js - automatic change textarea height depending on the content
/js/libs/chosen.jquery.js - dropdown stylization
/js/libs/jquery.uniform.js - stylization of form elements
/js/libs/jquery-1.7.2.js - jQuery
/js/libs/jquery-ui-1.8.15.js - jQuery UI
/js/templates/dragtemplates.js - dragging and sorting patterns
/js/templates/templates.js - functions for working with file manager
/js/templates/window.js - handling of file uploads in the file manager