Structure FrontEnd

Structure FrontEnd FrontEnd Structure
Table categories
Field Type Comments
id int(11) identifier
name varchar(250) name
sort int(11) sorting
parent_id int(11) ID of the parent
level int(11) nesting level
visible int(11) activity
url varchar(250) URL
_status int(2) status: 1-active, 0-removed
object_type int(2) type: 0-category, 1-object
_create_time int(2) creation date
_create_user int(2) user creation
_update_time int(2) date update
_update_user int(2) user updates

Table description of categories categories_name
Field Type Comments
id int(11) identifier
name varchar(250) name
title varchar(250) meta tag title
keywords varchar(250) meta tag keywords
description text meta tag description
lang varchar(10) lang
categories_id int(11) id category with tables categories
full_description mediumtext text

Table information block articles
Field Type Comments
id int(11) identifier
block_id int(11) id block
categories_id int(11) id category
visible int(11) activity
_status int(2) status: 1-active, 0-removed
_create_time int(2) creation date
_create_user int(2) user creation
_update_time int(2) date update
_update_user int(2) user updates

Description table information block articles_name
Field Type Comments
id int(11) identifier
name varchar(250) name
title varchar(250) meta tag title
keywords varchar(250) meta tag keywords
description text meta tag description
lang varchar(10) lang
full_description mediumtext text

Table main_interface
Field Type Comments
id int(11) identifier
name varchar(250) name
sort int(11) sorting

Description table information block articles_name
Field Type Comments
id int(11) identifier
interface_id int(11) id table interface
interface_name_name text name
interface_sort int(11) sorting
interface_lang varchar(10) lang

Table interface
Field Type Comments
id int(11) identifier
name varchar(250) name

Table Interface description interface_name
Field Type Comments
id int(11) identifier
interface_id int(11) id table interface
interface_name text name
interface_lang varchar(10) lang

Table langs
Field Type Comments
id int(11) identifier
name varchar(250) name
description varchar(100) description
visible int(11) activity
role tinyint(2)
_status int(2) status: 1-active, 0-removed
_create_time int(2) creation date
_create_user int(2) user creation
_update_time int(2) date update
_update_user int(2) user updates

Table links banners link_banners
Field Type Comments
id int(11) identifier
name varchar(250) name
sort int(11) sorting
date_start varchar(250) start date of the show
date_end varchar(250) end date of the show
link varchar(250) link
block_id int(11) id блока
categories_id int(11) id category
_create_time int(2) creation date
_create_user int(2) user creation
_update_time int(2) date update
_update_user int(2) user updates

Table link_banners_name
Field Type Comments
id int(11) identifier
name varchar(250) name

Table categories main_banners
Field Type Comments
id int(11) identifier
name varchar(250) name
limit int(11) limit
shows int(11) shows
date_create varchar(100) start date
date_end varchar(100) expiration date
_status int(2) status: 1-active, 0-removed
_create_time int(2) creation date
_create_user int(2) user creation
_update_time int(2) date update
_update_user int(2) user updates

Table descriptions banner main_banners_name
Field Type Comments
id int(11) identifier
content text name
main_banners_id int(11) id таблицы баннеров
lang varchar(10) lang

Table users
Field Type Comments
id int(11) identifier
email varchar(100) user name
password varchar(100) password
group int(11) group
active int(2) activity
_status int(2) status: 1-active, 0-removed
_create_time int(2) creation date
_create_user int(2) user creation
_update_time int(2) date update
_update_user int(2) user updates

Table users_groups
Field Type Comments
id int(11) identifier
group varchar(50) group
_create_time int(2) creation date
_create_user int(2) user creation
_update_time int(2) date update
_update_user int(2) user updates