Action type
Saving changes, you can specify a string to perform some action that may change the value of the field or perform another action. Actions are written separately for each field of the table. You can also specify multiple actions for a single field. To specify the action for the field, you should to add to the array configuration file in the array "model" of the desired key field "action" with the value of the array of actions. For example:
Attention! "type" and "method" are mandatory to fill in, otherwise it will not be saved line and will indicate the corresponding error. "params" are not mandatory; the value must be an associative array.
Type "cms" means that you need to call the action from the list of available system CMSDK.
Type "custom" means that you need to call the action from the client. In the "method" must be specified url which will be made through the cURL request.